Washington's Voice On Mental Illness
NAMI Washington, is the State office of the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental health conditions. We work with local affiliates in communities around the state to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental health conditions.
What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979 has blossomed into the nation's leading voice on mental health. Today, we are an association of more than 500 local affiliates who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.
We Educate. NAMI Washington Currently Has 19 affiliates Throughout The State Of Washington. Our Education Programs Ensure Hundreds Of Thousands Of Families, Individuals And Educators Get The Support And Information They Need. We Advocate. NAMI Washington Helps Shape Public Policy For People With Mental Illness And Their Families And Provides Volunteer Leaders With The Tools, Resources And Skills To Protect Those Affected By Mental Health Conditions.We lead. Public awareness events and activities, including the inspiring Brainpower Chronicles series and NAMIWalks, successfully fight stigma and encourage understanding.
Our Mission
NAMI Washington’s mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by any kind of mental health condition.
Our Vision
NAMI Washington envisions a world where all people affected by mental illness live healthy, fulfilling lives supported by a community that cares.
Our Values
Hope: We believe in the possibility of recovery, wellness and the potential in all of us.
Inclusion: We embrace diverse backgrounds, cultures and perspectives.
Empowerment: We promote confidence, self-efficacy and service to our mission.
Compassion: We practice respect, kindness and empathy.
Fairness: We fight for equity and justice.
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI organization operates at the national, state and local level.
NAMI Washington is the NAMI state organization in Washington. NAMI Washington provides educational resources and events, statewide outreach, advocacy and affiliate organizational support. NAMI Washington provides the free trainings that allow NAMI affiliates to provide NAMI programs.
Local NAMI affiliates in Washington offer free peer support, education and outreach programs and engage mental health advocates in their communities.
National NAMI provides strategic direction for the entire organization, support to NAMI's state and affiliate members, and engages in advocacy, education and leadership development nationally.
It is our core principle that empowering family members and consumers is a critical factor in recovery, and a potent force in providing community education and bringing about systemic change. NAMI Washington is a unifying voice and a skilled provider of knowledge and skills at the grassroots level. NAMI Washington promises to work to build better lives for Washingtonians affected by mental illness.
NAMI Washington encompasses a strong statewide network of families, individuals, community-based organizations and service providers. These members and supporters are the face and voice of the NAMI Washington movement--families, individuals, friends and businesses-- who come together to celebrate mental illness recovery, to honor those who have lost their lives to mental illness and to combat stigma, promote awareness and advocate for others.
We provide public education workshops, teleconferences on specific issues, and carry out an ongoing campaign and public policy agenda to improve mental health services throughout the state, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, and support effective treatment and recovery programs.
The mission of NAMI Washington is to improve the quality of life of all affected by mental illness. We are dedicated to providing education, support and advocacy for persons with mental illness, their families and the wider community.
Financial contributions allow NAMI to offer an array of programs, initiatives and activities in support of the NAMI mission.
Our EIN is 91-1689067