What am I applying to lead?
What is the Peer-to-Peer Program?
8-week course led by trained PEER leaders, people who have experienced mental illness in their own lives and believe that mental health recovery and resiliency are possible. This class focuses on offering information, encouragement, hope, and guidance to adults who live with a mental illness and want to experience quality of life as contributing members of their communities.

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Next Steps:
Your local affiliate will reach out to interview you over the phone or on Zoom.
You will complete a 6-8 hour online training by NAMI (national).
You will then be interviewed by the trainer over Zoom.
If you are accepted for training, you will be sent a binder of training materials.
On the day of, you will log into your Zoom training!
What will I learn from the training?
The two -day weekend in-person leader training includes preparation for teaching the P2P course, obtaining knowledge about the brain, research, and recovery, fostering respect and mutual support, and developing skills in sharing brief individual stories and partnering with other peers.
Leaders must be:
A PEER, a Person of Experience, Engaged in Recovery
A current member of a NAMI Affiliate
Willing to complete the online training no later than 2 weeks before the in-person training.
Willing to stay for the entire 2-day intensive training
Comfortable reading aloud to a group
Able to make a commitment to co-teach the 8-week Peer to Peer course at least twice in a 24-month period in cooperation with your local affiliate. 18 years of age or older
Registration Information
NAMI Washington will pay for meals, snacks, lodging for in person trainings and all training materials. Your NAMI affiliate is asked to cover your travel and other expenses that you may incur to attend this training. Lodging will be at a nearby hotel, and is double occupancy.
Attending NAMI trainings is by pre-registration only. Space is limited, and a waiting list will be created if necessary. Applicants will have a brief Zoom interview with the trainers before final acceptance into the training and the State office will fill the class based on the critical needs of affiliates.
If you need to cancel after being accepted, notify the NAMI Washington staff, no later than a week before the training so we can fill your spot. If you no-show, your local affiliate will be invoiced a $75 admin fee. Cancelled spots are filled with applications from the waiting list for the class, not by sending another affiliate member