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Programas exclusivos de NAMI

¿Qué son los programas exclusivos de NAMI?

Los programas exclusivos de NAMI son grupos de apoyo, clases y presentaciones dirigidos por pares que usan materiales y planes de estudio desarrollados por NAMI. Los observadores no participantes no pueden asistir ni auditar ninguna clase o grupo de apoyo de NAMI (p. ej., medios de comunicación, investigadores, estudiantes), usted debe ser parte de la discusión.

Grupos de apoyo

Los grupos de apoyo de NAMI están dirigidos por pares y ofrecen a los participantes la oportunidad de compartir sus experiencias y obtener el apoyo de otros asistentes.


NAMI ofrece una variedad de cursos educativos dirigidos por pares de forma gratuita para los participantes. Cada uno está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de su público objetivo. Las clases enfatizan la importancia de la esperanza y la comunidad y brindan información sobre los desafíos relacionados con la enfermedad mental. Debe registrarse con el afiliado de alojamiento con anticipación para poder asistir.


Las presentaciones de NAMI ofrecen al público la oportunidad de escuchar historias de experiencias vividas por personas con problemas de salud mental. Crean conciencia, reducen el estigma y aumentan la empatía. Estos programas son parte del esfuerzo nacional de NAMI para cambiar las actitudes y los estereotipos sobre cómo son las condiciones de salud mental y cómo vemos a las personas que las tienen.

Happening Now

¡Programas que suceden ahora!

NAMI Signature Programs Descriptions

NAMI Ending the Silence

NAMI Ending the Silence

NAMI Ending the Silence Presentation is a 50-minute presentation about mental health conditions in youth. Available for 3 audiences: students, families, and school staff. All versions educate about warning signs, what to do, and the importance of early intervention. NAMI Ending the Silence for Students is an evidence-based program.

NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront Education Program is for families, partners and friends who provide care for Service Members/Veterans experiencing mental health symptoms. The course consists of 6 2-hour classes designed to help military/Veteran families understand mental health conditions and improve their ability to support their Service Member. NAMI Homefront is an adaptation of NAMI Family-to-Family. Available in-person and online.

NAMI Family to Family

NAMI Family to Family

NAMI Family-to-Family is a free eight-week course for family caregivers of individuals with mental illnesses. NAMI-trained family members teach the course and all materials are free for class participants. The curriculum focuses on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and borderline personality disorder, with a new resource on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The course discusses treatment for these illnesses and teaches the knowledge and skills that family members need to cope with the challenges of living with a relative with a mental illness.

NAMI In Our Own Voice

NAMI In Our Own Voice

NAMI In Our Own Voice Presentation is a 60-90-minute presentation for the general public. It uses personal stories to promote awareness of mental health conditions and of the possibility of recovery. Available in Spanish: En Nuestra Propia Voz de NAMI.

NAMI Basics

NAMI Basics

NAMI Basics Education Program is for parents, guardians and other family who provide care for youth with mental health symptoms. This course consists of 6 2.5-hour classes and is designed to help participants gain a better understanding of mental health conditions and how they can best support their child. NAMI Basics is an evidence-based program and an adaptation of NAMI Family-to-Family. Available in Spanish: Bases y Fundamentos de NAMI.

NAMI Family Support Group

NAMI Family Support Group

NAMI Family Support Group is a 60-90-minute weekly or monthly support group for family members, partners, and friends (age 18+) of people with mental health conditions. Available in Spanish: Grupo de Apoyo para Familiares de NAMI.

NAMI Provider Education

NAMI Provider Education

NAMI Provider Program is a staff development program for health care professionals who work directly with people with mental health conditions. The course aims to expand the participants’ compassion for clients and their families and to promote a collaborative model of care. The program has a 5-session course offering 12.5 hours of training. A 4-hour seminar option is also available.

NAMI Peer to Peer

NAMI Peer to Peer

NAMI Peer-to-Peer Recovery Education Program is for anyone who is experiencing or has experienced the challenges of a mental health condition. Participants learn communication skills, strengthen relationships, balance changing health care needs, and better understand their mental health and recovery. It consists of 8 2-hour classes. Available in Spanish: De Persona a Persona de NAMI.

NAMI Connection

NAMI Connection

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group is a 90-minute weekly or bi-weekly support group for people (age 18+) with mental health conditions. Available in Spanish: NAMI Conexión Grupo de Apoyo y Recuperación.

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NAMI Washington
1107 NE 45th Street, Suite 330 |

Seattle, WA 98105
(206) 783-4288 |  

(Sí, estamos en Seattle, ¡pero NO somos NAMI Seattle!)

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