Mga Pagsasanay ng Estado ng NAMI WA
Interesado sa Pamumuno?
Mag-apply para dumalo sa isang pagsasanay ng estado upang maging pinuno ng isang programa ng NAMI! Kailangan natin ng mas maraming facilitator!
Mga pagsasanay sa NAMI Signature program na nagpapahintulot sa mga lokal na kaanib na magdala ng mga programa sa kanilang mga komunidad.
Ang lahat ng miyembro ng NAMI o ang mga nagiging miyembro ay maaaring mag-aplay para dumalo sa mga programa ng Pagsasanay ng Estado.
Ang lahat ng mga pagsasanay ay inaalok nang walang bayad sa mga kalahok.
All trainings are online over Zoom unless otherwise noted.
NAMI Washington's state trainings are offered both virtually or in person - check the application website to see how each training is being offered. If the training is offered in person, NAMI Washington will pay for meals, snacks, lodging and all training materials. Your NAMI affiliate is asked to cover your travel and other expenses that you may incur to attend this training. Lodging will be at a nearby hotel, and is single occupancy. If the training is offered virtually, then your training materials and the cost to ship them are covered.
If you need to cancel after being accepted, notify the NAMI Washington staff, no later than a week before the training otherwise your affiliate will be invoiced for $50.00 for late-dropout if the training materials have already been sent. Cancelled spots are filled with applications
from the waiting list for the class, not by sending
another affiliate member.